Steve is a full-time speaker and writer for Solas, focussing primarily on Scotland. He is enthusiastic about evangelism and regularly speaks at universities around the country on the big questions of life and the truth of Christianity from a range of perspectives. He also spends much of his time working with churches and other Christian groups, both to grow their faith and equip them to share their faith in Jesus persuasively.
Video Samples
“How Do We Know What’s True?” – a Short Answers video
“Can Science and God Co-Exist?” – talk given at Glasgow University Christian Union outreach event
“Why Did God Make Bad Things?” – live Q&A session at Glasgow University Christian Union
Photo Gallery

Extended Biography
Steve Osmond trained in the sciences and earned his MSc cum laude in Zoology from the University of Johannesburg where he specialised in ecotoxicology and ecological risk assessment. Before moving to full time ministry with Solas he managed his own environmental consulting business, as well as managing a marine biosecurity consultancy. Along with his passion for the natural world, he also has a love for theology and exploring the connections between faith and reason, and how Christianity makes sense of the world and answers life’s big questions. Steve holds a MA in Apologetics and Theology from Southern
Evangelical Seminary, USA.
He has also spent several years in church ministry where he has been involved in pastoral work and creating training programmes for discipleship, theology, and apologetics, as well as having spoken
evangelistically at churches and universities in South Africa, where he lived before moving to Scotland in 2023.
He now lives in Perth with his wife, Robyn, and two daughters – Olivia and Hazel – where they are part of Tayside Christian Fellowship. When not busy with Solas, Steve enjoys reading, being outdoors, spending
time at the park with his family, playing guitars of all kinds, practising his Scots, and throwing himself at any new hobby that grabs his attention.