Solas has lots of experience helping churches take the gospel outside of the four walls of their buildings and into the community.
Over the years, we’ve found that when churches put on outreach events in neutral places with which people are familiar—cafés, coffee shops, pubs, restaurants, golf clubs and the such like—it’s much easier for Christians to invite their friends.
After a café event in Scotland, one woman spoke to the Solas speaker after the talk and said: “I’ve lived in the UK all my life—why has no-one ever told me this before?” A year later she was a Christian! God worked through the vision of the local church who invited to Solas to run the event—and the Christian friend who invited her along!
Solas can help you plan an event, provide a speaker who can address an engaging question in an accessible way (perhaps using one of the topics from our new Have You Ever Wondered? book), and take open Q&A afterwards.
Listen to the story of a recent event in a pub.

Lots of churches have found that a café-style event is a brilliant way to engage people ahead of the launch of something like Christianity Explored or Alpha.
Interested to learn more?
Then click here for a detailed guide to organising a cafe-style outreach event, or email and we can chat more.
Already planning an event like this?
Fill out this form to book in your Solas speaker for your event.