Andy Bannister on Premier Radio

Andy Bannister was interviewed on Premier Radio’s “The Leadership File” programme recently. In the programme which you can hear here, Andy talks in some detail about how he got involved in Christian ministry, and his particular interest in sharing his faith in Christ with Muslims – and how he picked up a PhD in Islamic Studies along the way.

Andy Bannister at American University DC – "Why it Matters What You Believe!"

The reason that that Christianity is important is because it is the only worldview that provides an adequate foundation for both those things. It provides a foundation for human dignity, it says that all human beings are made in the image of God – and therefore possess a inherent worth. However, it also provides a basis for humility – because Christianity is ‘the great humbler’, as it tells me that I am sinful enough that Jesus actually had to die to rescue me.

Is God Against Our Freedom? | Andy Bannister

“Isn’t Christianity limiting and restrictive? Isn’t God against my freedom?” In this very Scottish themed episode of SHORT ANSWERS, Solas Director Andy Bannister asks whether people who raise this objection have possibly misunderstood something incredibly important about the very nature of freedom.

Did Jesus Actually Exist? | Andy Bannister

Was Jesus just a myth, a fiction created by the early church? Or did he really exist as a well-documented figure in the historical record? Wherever we look among professional historians of all faiths or none, Andy Bannister finds there is an overwhelming consensus that Jesus actually existed.