Launch Pad 46: The Power of Dialogue
PEP Talk with Chris Sinkinson
“Have You Ever Wondered?” Book
Launch Pad: 52 Ways To Share Your Faith
Conference Partnerships
Thought-provoking writing from some of the best Christian thinkers of the day. Best read with a warm beverage in hand…
Launch Pad 47: Take a Stand
Spotlight on suffering
Launch Pad 46: The Power of Dialogue
Launch Pad 45: Run a Book Table
Launch Pad 44: Get Creative!
Launch Pad 43: Offer to serve in your church Sunday school or youth work
Short and share-able videos addressing common objections and challenges around the Christian faith.
Why Are So Many Christians Such Awful People?
Why Are We Drawn to the Idea of Restoration?
What Does God Think of You?
Doesn’t the Bible promote slavery?
If God is Loving, How Could He Create Hell?
What would Jesus say to Keir Starmer?
PEP Talk Podcast
The Persuasive Evangelism Podcast introduces you to expert guests with inspiration, resources and ideas for sharing your faith.