Confident Christianity Evening PBC May 2024

Thank you for joining us for the Confident Christianity evening at Perth Baptist Church. Please find on this page a few resources and recommendations which follow on from the talks and Q&A topics which came up on the night.

Additional Resources

Book: How to Talk About Jesus Without Looking Like An Idiot by Andy Bannister

Steve’s opening talk was based on this book. It is available for purchase here,  or if you sign up to support Solas for £3/month we can send you a copy as a thankyou. Click here.

Book: Have You Ever Wondered? eds. Andy Bannister and Gavin Matthews

The second session which Gavin and Andy presented was based on this book. It is available for purchase here, or if you sign up to support Solas for £3/month or more we can send you two copies as a thank you, one to read, and one to give away!

Q and A topics:

Hell and the judgement of God:
Solas Short Answers video Why would a God of love send people to Hell?

Sharing the gospel with those who have never wondered, and are apathetic:

Solas article: Apatheism: When the gospel meets indifference by Kyle Breshears

Book: Serve God, Save the Planet by Matthew Sleeth

The Uniqueness of Jesus:
Solas Webinar: Do all religions lead to God?

Solas Podcast: PEP Talk with Rahil Patel

Kindles and E-book availability:
For those looking for a digital (epub) version of Have You Ever Wondered? click here
Instructions on loading it onto a Kindle (etc) are here.

Conversations that don’t lead to anger:
Book: Questioning Evangelism by Randy Newman

Thanks again for joining us on Friday. Keep an eye out for our prayer letter “Insight”, in which you will also see information about future events.