Launch Pad 23: Start or Join a Christian Workplace Group

The place where Christians interact most with people who do not share their faith is at work. It’s not just that most of us spend large proportion of our waking hours with colleagues, it’s also that as we work alongside people—sharing challenges, joys and frustrations—that we can forge deep connections with others. For most people, the office, school staff-room, or shop-floor is their ‘frontline’ where their faith intersects the world. And it is often challenging.

Thousands of Christians are finding renewed courage and opportunity to share their faith in their workplaces, by joining together with other Christians there. The growth of Christian Workplace Groups is an exciting international phenomenon and in the UK they are springing up in hospitals, water companies, aircraft manufacturers, government departments,  the Army, finance, logistics, publishing, brewing and insurance companies, and hundreds of other places. In London alone there are now 694 registered Christian Workplace Groups!

These groups vary enormously. Some meet just to pray and encourage each other in their individual faith, lives and witness. Other groups offer to pray for people in their firm. Some groups hold outreach events in the workplace, or an adjacent café. There is no formula for what has to be done, but there is the universal testimony that the Christian life and faith is lived more effectively together.

Virtually every group was started by someone who said, “That couldn’t happen here” and “I could never do that”, yet somehow by the grace of God it has, and they did.

The charity “Transform Work” was set up to assist Christian Workplace Groups and has loads of information about how to go about setting up and running one. They have experience in everything from how get a group running, how to work cooperatively with HR departments and navigate the world of Diversity and Inclusion bodies and policies. They also have inspiring stories of what is achieved when Christians are more visible for Jesus at work, in-person and online.

Their website is a wealth of helpful information. And you can access their free booklet “Starting a Christian Workplace Group” here. Christian mission is much easier if you do it alongside others. Consider how to grow your collective witness in your workplace.

Pray: Lord, please help me to wisely, truthfully and graciously be seen for you at work. Amen

Previously: Launch Pad #22 Get The Word Out!

Next: Launch Pad #24 Join A Short-Term Mission Team