LESS < Lies
LESS < Fake
LESS < Doubt
MORE > Truth

Truth is a tricky thing. Today, ‘the truth’ is not just hard to swallow; it is something we refuse to swallow. Truth is too certain, too divisive, too arrogant. In response, today’s truth is often one of relativism: what’s true for you might not be true for me. But if it’s sometimes true, and sometimes not, is it really truth at all?
Jesus claimed to be ‘the way and the truth and the life.’ But can we really accept this ultimate truth in an age of questioning, uncertainty, relativism and scepticism? In MORE > Truth, young philosopher Kristi Mair explores whether Christians can be confident in the ‘truth’ in our anything goes age.
Read a review by Liz Willis here
Available at 10ofThose.com
Author Kristi Mair currently works as Pastoral Support and Research Fellow at Oak Hill College, whilst studying for her PhD at University of Birmingham. Kristi is also an apologist and evangelist who speaks regularly at evangelistic events. While pursuing her academic career, she has worked with Friends International and the UCCF as their Assistant Team Leader for the Midlands.