Student Mission at St Andrews

Steve Osmond from Solas spoke at the St Andrews University Christian Union events week. To watch his reflects on an intense but rewarding week of mission play the video below!

The students from the Christian Union enthused about the week of mission they had done together.

“As a Christian Union in St Andrews we exist to give every student the opportunity to hear and respond to the good news of Jesus. So we put on an ‘events week’ like this every single year, which is really the climax of our year as a Christian Union. It’s a week of intense events and mission, to give CU members the opportunity to invite friends and to talk about Jesus. We aim to give people the chance to hear and respond to the good news that he brings. That’s what we have been doing this week!” – Amy

“For me, and I think for a lot of us, it has been so amazing to see the momentum that can be built over a week. There have been specific people who we have seen multiple times throughout the week, who have been so keen and so interested. They’ve been coming with all their questions and being able to invite them back, day-after-day to find out more – and ask more about what we think and believe, has been such a blessing! Such a blessing in fact for us to see how God has been using this week.” – Millie

Thank you again, all those of you who pray faithfully for this kind of work and those who give to make it happen practically. Thank you.