Launch Pad 3: The Humble Tract

Giving out a short leaflet or “tract” was once a very popular way of sharing the good news. However, in our post-Christian culture, the humble tract seems to have fallen into disrepute. Yet a good, short, printed explanation of the gospel can still be a useful item in the Christian’s toolbox!

Tracts are not a poor substitute for relational and conversational evangelism, but can be a helpful addition to it. If you carry a few topical relevant tracts around with you and keep on the lookout for opportunities to share them, it’s amazing what can happen. Whilst it’s still useful to have access to more substantial apologetics books for when tracts provoke deeper questions, don’t dismiss these handy conversation starters!

There are some brilliant tracts out there. There are seasonal ones around (Christmas, Easter, Halloween); tracts built around famous stories (the Titanic, Eric Liddell); the arts (such as Handel’s Messiah) and tracts themed around contemporary events (Coronations, World Cups, Olympics etc). Christmas tracts fit inside Christmas cards, while Halloween themed tracts can be given out along with handfuls of sweets to youngsters playing ‘trick or treat’. They might only be looking for sugary confectionary, but they can also be offered the words of life! Look out for election-themed ones later in the year too.

Tracts can also be left anywhere. On our podcast, Adam White talked about placing tracts in beer boxes, petrol pumps and inside books—the possibilities are endless. When left in accessible places, and done so prayerfully, it can be yet another way of sharing the gospel.

The evangelist Roger Carswell has a treasury of stories about responses to tracts he has written. His favourite is about a man who picked up a tract at work, whilst cleaning a train in Malvern. That led him to faith in Christ, and he wrote to Roger via the address on the tract and they corresponded for many years as he grew in faith.

Want to get try using tracts? Check out the brilliant range of attractively produced tracts are available from our friends at 10ofThose.

Perhaps it’s time to reembrace the humble tract! With every tract you pass on pray: “Lord, I don’t know whose hands this tract will end up in, but I ask you to bless them and to speak to them through your word by your Spirit, Amen.”

Previously:Launch Pad #2: “Wondering How to Start Conversations About Jesus?”

Next: Launch Pad #4: “Mention something about the difference your faith makes to one person today”