
You Are Only a Christian Because of Your Upbringing

Do Christians believe in Jesus just because of where they were born, or their upbringing, culture, or peer group? Solas speaker Gareth Black, who himself grew up in the very religious context of Northern Ireland, explains why this common claim rebounds on atheism — and helps us think about how we can really know if our beliefs are true.


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Frontlines / Christians at Work : The Politician

In this edition of Frontlines we enter the world of politics. Sir Gary Streeter MP is the chair of the Christians in Parliament Group – a cross party group of MPs who share a Christian faith. Gavin Matthews spoke to Sir Gary for Solas, about what it’s like to be a Christian in politics.

Solas: Thankyou for joining us, Sir Gary! Tell us, a little about the work of an MP – which might be different in practice to what we might imagine!

GS: Hi Gavin. Well, I was a lawyer for the first ten years of my career until I felt called into politics, and  initially leant my trade as a city councillor in Plymouth before becoming an MP in 1992. Now as an MP, I am one of 650 members making laws on behalf of the nation each representing about 70,000 adult constituents. We raise issues in parliament, we run campaigns, (everyone has their own special interests), then thirdly we are there to help individual constituents with their problems. Weekly surgeries are busy, as people come with all sorts of problems and we do our best to ‘unlock’ the system – whether it’s the local council, the benefit agency etc.

Solsas: And of all those things, what gives you the most job satisfaction?

GS: That’s an interesting question! I’ve been in Westminster for 28 years now and what I’ve always found is that helping people with their individual problems has been the most satisfactory element of the job. The vast majority of people who come to MP’s surgeries are doing their best in life, and just need a bit of help. And it is a pleasure to be able to help them.

Solas: What are some of the challenges you face in your work, and how does your faith in Christ help you to navigate them?

GS: I wouldn’t be a member of parliament if I wasn’t a Christian. I got saved aged 23, and by the age of 30 knew very little about politics really. But I felt a very distinct calling into the world of politics. I came back from a day of prayer and fasting to try and discern what God had for my future and shared this with my wife and her reaction was, “Oh No!” and she was right! So I really wouldn’t be in this field if I wasn’t a Christian and felt this calling.

There are so many challenges, but I think that it is very good to have a compass; something to guide you. I dislike it when Christians think that there easy answers to the very complex issues we face in a messy world; there are grey areas which we need to learn to navigate with skill and wisdom. So tussling over issues is just as hard for believers as for non-believers. But we do so with a compass and a map – and that is quite useful.

Most MPs are away from their families three or four days a week too – and that is a tough call and a real sacrifice. I often say to my wife, “I love you” and she replies, “So much that you get on the train on a Monday and don’t come back until Friday!” However, we know that this is a calling for which there is a sacrifice, but also much fruit too.

The other thing is that politics can be absolutely nasty at times. As Christians we like to think the best of other people, take them at face value, and we don’t like to promote ourselves. Well, you have to turn all that on its head in politics, you have to promote yourself and you have to be wise (if not cynical) about other people’s agendas. So, it takes a lot of learning. So any young person feeling a call into politics should take their time, let God set the timing and learn the trade at a grass roots level on a local council. It’s a minefield out there and I’ve seen young Christians get ‘blown-up’ if they attack it too quickly.

Solas: How does your faith make a difference to the way you approach the work itself? You’ve talked about having a map, a compass and a calling. How does that affect your work?

GS: Twenty-eight years ago when I started out people used to say to me, “How can you be a Christian involved in politics?” Well, hardly anyone says that to me now. A quarter of a century later there is an understanding that we must be involved. And what is politics? It’s about making decisions about how to care for elderly people, what kind of health service we have, when to go to war – it’s everything. Why would you want to exclude men and women of faith and values from that arena? For most of the twentieth-century we excluded ourselves thinking that it was too dirty, it wasn’t for us and look at the results! So we’re on the field at last – and that’s good.

We should be bringing to our politics, narrative and the political field, the integrity that we read of in the Bible. We should bring compassion and obviously the spiritual dimension through prayer. So in those three areas we should look a bit different and sound and act a bit differently too.

This might be a surprising answer to your question too, but the first thing is to make sure you join the right political party! Politics is not an individual game, it’s a team-game. In my outlook on life I am centre-right on the political spectrum and therefore most of the decisions my party makes I am happy with. I have some wonderful friends in the Labour Party who I meet all the time. I’m chair of Christians in Parliament so I speak to Christians across the political parties on an almost daily basis. Those friends on the left have different priorities and a different outlook and so they are in the right party too. So if you are in the right party for you, there are fewer tensions and frictions. Sometimes when you are not fully persuaded of your party’s view, you go along with it as part of the team. However there are also times when you cannot go along with the party line, and on those occasions you need to have the courage to say so, and vote against your own party. I’ve only had to vote against my own team about twelve times in twenty-eight years and each of those was a painful experience, but sometimes you just have to take a stand.

Solas; So you are visibly a Christian at work – you chair the all-party “Christians in Parliament” group. How do people react when they know you are a Christian?

GS: Everyone these days is given credit for being ‘authentic’.  I think that’s actually the crucial thing, not just about politics but in life. I dislike talent shows and reality TV programmes, but the people that win those things are invariably those who come across as authentic. People don’t look at me and think that I am known as a Christian for votes or popularity it is just who I am. In politics you do get attacked and being to the right I attacked from the left. It is much harder to be a Christian in the Labour Party than in the Conservatives (under Jeremy Corbyn it was almost impossible, but I hope and pray that will come right now under new leadership). Sometimes people will try and hurt you because of your faith saying things like “How can you as a Christian vote against X, Y or Z?” You actually have to grow broad-shoulders and shrug that sort of thing off. In the USA it is almost essential to be seen as a Christian to be involved in politics, here you do not get any ‘brownie-points’ for that. Here, it is essential to be authentic – and for me that means being Christian and most people accept that.

Solas: Has that ever given you opportunities to share anything of your faith with people you have met through work? What helped you to have good conversations – was it something you set out to do, or they arise naturally?

GS:  Yes – we have seen a few members of parliament come to faith, in the decade that I have been chairing Christians in Parliament.  We have seen conversions, and that is a wonderful thing! Personally I have addressed a lot of audiences about my faith, in person and online in all kinds of contexts. One-on-one conversations haven’t happened so much for me though – there have been a few. People do come up to me at work, (and other Christian MP’s) and ask what our secret is, because we have a calmness in the middle of some serious crises. That has provided an obvious “In” to talk about the faith that sustains us, because our security is not based on the results of the next election, or what Downing Street says, because our security is invested in a higher authority. So there have been opportunities and there has been fruit.

Solas: Have you ever had much reaction or push-back when you’ve talked about your faith, or objections?

GS: No, I don’t think I have encountered much. I know some Christians think that our freedoms are being squeezed out at the moment, but I’ve never felt that. I think you have to be wise and sensible, but I’ve given talks about my faith in meetings and online with no problems. Some groups try to enlist my support to take various people to court, but I think that is a last resort. Sometimes people think that they are being prevented from sharing the gospel, whereas they are just being downright offensive. If someone stands up in Brighton with a placard that says, “God hates gay people”, they are not sharing the gospel, and they will quite rightly get into trouble for that. When our fellow-travellers get the tone as wrong as that, they will get push-back but I personally have not, even though I have not been too fearful in sharing my faith.

Solas: That’s encouraging, and similar to what a lot of people are telling me in these interviews – they have freedom to speak where they are.

GS: I think the thing is that not many people have sat down and thought through the meaning of life and concluded that the secular-material view is the right one. Not many people think there was a big-bang and evolution and absolutely nothing else. People don’t do that, and this is the great mystery. I do quite a lot of apologetics-themed talks in my church here in Plymouth and one of the great mysteries is that no one asks those great questions! There’s something hanging in the ether that science answers everything – so when they meet people with a genuine faith – clearly and kindly expressed, there isn’t hostility there is often real interest.

Solas: So tell me about “Christians in Parliament” –obviously you want to have a public presence there, tell me about what that group exists to do?

GS: Well we do want Christians to be active in the public square, brining integrity, compassion and prayer into it. It’s a tough gig – for all sorts of reasons, so we exist as a group to encourage and equip other Christians from all parties and all backgrounds, and all manner of churches too, to help them serve as best as they can. I no longer think there is one blueprint for what that looks like, but we want each member to think through and pursue their calling and the gifting that God has given them. One person might be called to high office, another might campaign on abortion for twenty years. So I’ve been doing quite a lot of mentoring recently too, helping younger MPs across the parties. Our strapline has been “to equip you for Downing St and Heaven!”

Solas: So, finally then, what advice would you give a young Christian entering parliament who wants to be faithful to Christ?

GS: Two things really. The first is to find some like-minded fellow-travellers and meet with them regularly. So I’ve been blessed to be part of a small fellowship group made up of 2 Conservatives, 2 Labour, 1 Liberal Democrat and one DUP member for twenty years. We meet together to pray and encourage each other. Then secondly, be ready to learn and to change. Then thirdly recognise that there are Christians out there who may take a diametrically opposed view to you on something you think is fundamental. Fifteen years ago, in my little fellowship group of six we met to pray before we had to vote on a controversial bill. It turned out that three of us voted one way, and three the other. And yet, for many of us it was a fundamental issue. One phrase we sometimes say is that God’s kingdom is more important than our tribe. So, I‘d say fellowship, adaptability and working across differences of opinion are key.

Solas; Thanks, that has been really insightful and helpful!

GS: You’re very welcome!

Gareth at Crown Jesus Ministries; Gospel Work Across Ireland

I was delighted to have the opportunity to collaborate with Crown Jesus Ministries in contributing to their Go Groups initiative. CJM is an evangelism ministry based in Belfast directed by Keith ‘Mitch’ Mitchell. Their Go Groups (GG) are an online training course designed to bring interested people from across the island of Ireland together in order to inspire and practically equip them to engage in effective personal evangelism in accordance with their own contexts and capacities.

My contribution involved presenting a talk that introduced attendees to the concept of Conversational Apologetics, part of a broader GG module covering twelve methods of doing persuasive evangelism. I discussed the importance of us having – and communicating – the strong and persuasive bases for our faith that transcended merely personal experience and was rooted in objective evidence (i.e. evidence from history, science, philosophy, meaning etc.) We addressed the difficulty and intimidation that can come from modern society’s big questions and presuppositions around religious faith and topics such as science, evolution, the reliability of the bible, suffering and evil, and sexual ethics. Acknowledging these challenges, I also sought to encourage the group that these hurdles were nothing new to Christianity: Christians have also had to learn to both personally understand and publicly communicate the credibility of their faith in a social and ideological contexts that thinks very differently of issues of worldview and often harbours deep scepticism when it comes to Christian claims. That’s why apologetics, understood as what happens when any Christian engages with another person to explain the credibility of their hope in Jesus, was so inherent to Christian living. I concluded by suggesting that one of the best ways we can be involved in effective conversational apologetics is by learning to ask good questions, rather than simply trying to download a set of memorised answers or theological propositions. Following the talk we spend around 20mins doing Q&A before the attendees moved to breakout groups to discuss what they had heard.

The night appeared to be very successful and, as limited an opportunity as people had on Zoom to offered feedback, a number of people reached out on the night and since to say how helpful and inspiring they had found my material to be.

There are two aspects to this particular opportunity that I am deeply grateful for and encouraged by: First, is the opportunity to truly collaborate in evangelism training with local friends and ministry partners here in Ireland. I have been contributing with CJM on a personal capacity for several years but it is wonderful now to be able to connect Solas and CJM as true partners in the gospel as we collectively and strategically support one another in our shared vision to reach the people of Ireland with gospel and equip the local church here for effective witness in a changing spiritual climate. Having people who share your heart that Irish people will come to trust Jesus as Lord and who want to collaborate – in the fullest and truest sense of that word – is a deep encouragement as I conduct the work of Solas here on my own. Secondly, I’m increasingly inspired by the opportunities that I and being given to minister beyond the Northern Irish boarder into the Rep. of Ireland. Solas have an all-island vision for doing evangelism and evangelism training. There are many needs in the south, particularly given its vastly more multicultural, secular and religiously disenfranchised status compared with the north. Many evangelical churches, ministries and Christian Unions are significantly smaller and less resourced than their equivalents in the north, yet the needs are arguably much greater. Solas is delighted to be able to see the beginnings of several opportunities to be sharing the Gospel in a context with less than 1% evangelical Christians and we look forward to and welcome any future opportunities to serve, or support others in serving, the urgent need of the Irish people to come and meet the real Jesus of Nazareth for themselves.

We value your prayers for these opportunities. For “…how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? (Romans 10:14)

NESGT Persuasive Evangelism Seminar Saturday 12 June 2021

Andy really enjoyed teaching this webinar for North East Scotland Gospel Training (NESGT) on Saturday 12 June 2021.

Below, you can find links to Andy’s slides and to various articles, videos, and resources related to each topic. But do take the time to explore the Solas website while you’re here — it’s full of resources, from videos to articles to podcasts and more!

If you’d like to help support Solas’s work of evangelism and evangelism training across Scotland and further afield, you can sign up to support us for as little as £3 a month and we’ll send you a choice of one of several great books as a gift.

How to Share Your Faith Without Looking Like an Idiot: A Practical Introduction to Persuasive Evangelism

Download a copy of Andy’s slides as a PDF here.

Check out our Mind the Gap series, chock full of helpful resources on evangelism and how to share your faith naturally and without fear.

We also have our brand new Frontlines series, where we speak to Christians in a huge range of different jobs about how they share Jesus at work.

Then there’s our PEP Talk podcast: each episode is packed full of tips and ideas for how to share your faith with your friends.

Finally, you might enjoy reading:

(And if you enjoyed that little video clip from Black Books on how not to do evangelism, you can watch it again here).

Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?

Download a copy of Andy’s slides as a PDF here.

Read Andy’s new book, Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? You can read (or listen to) the first chapter free via this link — and you can also get a copy as a gift if you sign up to support Solas’s work of evangelism for as little as £3 a month.

Two other great books to read around this theme are:

Watch one of these Solas Short Answers videos:

PEP Talk Podcast With Jeremy Marshall

“And then something strange happened…” probably means you’re about to hear about what the Holy Spirit has been doing in someone’s life. As today’s guest reminds us, God is at work in far, far more people than we know. With some fantastic thoughts on sharing faith, especially in the face of suffering, Jeremy Marshall chats with Andy and Kristi on today’s PEP Talk.

With Jeremy Marshall PEP Talk

Our Guest

Jeremy Marshall worked in banking, his last job was CEO of C Hoare & Co, the UK’s oldest private bank. Six years ago he was diagnosed with incurable cancer and has been in treatment since. He is an evangelist and writer. He is also involved in A Passion For Life encouraging local church evangelism.

You can find Jeremy’s books, Beyond the Big C and Hope in the Face of Suffering at – search for Jeremy Marshall.

About PEP Talk

The Persuasive Evangelism Podcast aims to equip listeners to share their faith more effectively in a sceptical world. Each episode, Andy Bannister (Solas) and Kristi Mair (Oak Hill College) chat to a guest who has a great story, a useful resource, or some other expertise that helps equip you to talk persuasively, winsomely, and engagingly with your friends, colleagues and neighbours about Jesus.

The Conversation Gap

A few years ago, my family and I were holidaying in the English Lake District and over our week there we got to know another family, who we had met when we took our kids to play in the local park. (We’ve found that having small children is an easy way to meet other families because “I’m sorry my child hit your child with a stick-doing-duty-as-a-pirate-sword, please don’t sue” is a great opening line). During our week’s holiday, we spent lots of time with this other family, our kids played with their kids, we hiked and had a few meals together. Over various conversations, questions about our faith come up but on the last evening of the week, I was asked a question I had never before encountered. Midway through the curry, the wife of this other family looked at us and with a puzzled look on her face said: “I can’t work you two out. You’re clearly very into this Jesus thing, but you’re not … you’re not crunchy. What’s different about you?”

I paused, a forkful of chicken vindaloo halfway to my mouth. “Crunchy? What do you mean?”

“Oh you know, crunchy Christians?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. What are Crunchy Christians? Some kind of cannibalistic appetiser?” (My wife kicked me under the table. Apparently this was not the time for Dad jokes.[1])

“Oh you know what I mean. The kind of religious people that you just can’t have normal conversations with. They’re always so deathly serious, or judging you, or tutting at things you say, or trying to press leaflets about something at their church into your hands. In the end you kind of give up and do your best to avoid them. They’re crunchy.”

As I paused and thought about this, the curry slowly dissolving the metal of my fork, it occurred to me that this is sadly not an unusual sentiment. Christians sometimes have a reputation for being awkward to talk to (perhaps because we’re so keen—or nervous—about trying to turn every conversation into an evangelistic opportunity that people sense our edginess and it puts them off); or perhaps because have a tendency to go deep too quickly (“Hello!” “Aha, I notice you began with ‘Hell’—can you be sure you’re not going?”); or maybe, if we’re honest, we’re not really interested in the other person, we just see them as evangelism fodder. All of these things our friends can detect and it turns people off talking to us. Or maybe we’re just afraid of talking to non-Christians—we have no idea what to say and we come across as frightening and skittish—and that can also make us appear crunchy.

To be fair, it’s not just Christians who are struggling with how to have conversations: we live in an age where many people are increasingly forgetting how to talk to each other. As Sherry Turkle points out in her helpful book Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age, many of us become accustomed to spending so much time staring into the black mirrors of our phones, tablets, and screens that we are losing the art of conversation:

We say we turn to our phones when we’re ‘bored’. And we often find ourselves bored because we have become accustomed to a constant feed of connection, information, and entertainment … There is now a word in the dictionary called ‘phubbing’. It means maintaining eye contact while texting. My students me they do it all the time and it’s not that hard … [All this] adds up to a flight from conversation—at least from conversation that is open-ended and spontaneous, conversation in which we play with ideas, in which we allow ourselves to be fully present and vulnerable.[2]

And to ‘fully present’ and ‘vulnerable’ we might add conversations where people can talk naturally and honestly about the big questions of life. During that week in the Lake District, we had many conversations about spiritual things (including a fascinating two-hour discussion about why Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead). But these questions arose naturally: people don’t want forced conversations but they do want spiritual conversations—survey after survey has shown this. And the pandemic has merely increased this desire for spiritual connection: back in April 2020, The Guardian, a left-leaning-not-especially-friendly-to-Christians newspaper reported that 25% of people were watching religious services online (rising to 33% for 18-34 year olds)[3] whilst a secular political magazine, New Statesman, even ran an article entitled ‘How Coronavirus is Leading to a Religious Revival’.[4] Meanwhile, the comedian Russell Brand, wildly popular with younger audiences, posted a video to his social media feeds called ‘Why are so many people Googling ‘how to pray’?’ and hundreds of thousands watched.[5]

So people are not averse to asking or considering spiritual questions. Yet at the same time, many Christians find it hard to talk naturally to their friends about faith. Some of us, if we’re honest, would rather share an ‘evangelistic video’ on Facebook and then sit back with a sigh of relief, our missional itch scratched, and think ‘Phew, I’ve done my bit’. (Don’t misunderstand me, we love evangelistic videos at Solas and have produced dozens of them with our popular Short Answers series, but like a bread roll or an onion bhaji, these are appetisers designed to get things going, they’re not intended to be the entire conversation).

So how can we begin to overcome that conversation gap that looms for many of us in the path to confident, natural spiritual conversations with our friends? How can we take the opportunity to talk to people about spirituality, about faith, about Jesus—yet avoid the pitfall of appearing crunchy and putting folks off from ever talking to another Christian? Thankfully it’s much easier than you think to overcome the conversation gap—here are ten practical suggestions you can try out.


First, pray. This is obvious right? But sometimes it’s the obvious things that we overlook, like the sunglasses on our forehead whilst we tear the house apart looking for them.[6] What should we pray for? What about praying for opportunities to talk to people about your faith in Jesus. Don’t try and forceable extract ‘opportunities’ from every conversation, rather pray that the Lord would create them for you at the right time. Pray for the Spirit’s leading that you would recognise them when they turn up. You can also pray over previous conversations you have had and for those you talked with. (You might also want to make a little list of people you would love to talk more with about your faith—perhaps a friend or neighbour, a colleague or a classmate[7]—and put that list in the front of your Bible, to remind you each time you open it to pray for opportunities to speak to those people.

Second, learn to listen. Sometimes in conversations we can be so eager to share spiritual truths with our friends that we don’t shut up, but end up dominating the conversation so much so that our friend goes away feeling that haven’t had a conversation so much as a lecture. Take on board what the New Testament says, when it advises us to be “quick to listen and slow to speak” (James 1:19). Two rough-and-ready rules that can be helpful in conversations are first, aim to listen at least 60% of the time and, second, listen carefully enough that you can summarise what the other person said. (It can sometimes be helpful and appropriate to occasionally say things like “If I understand you correctly, what I think you’re saying is …”) The more people feel they are genuinely listened to, the more they will be willing to listen to what you have to say.

Third, take an interest. The more that we learn to take a genuine interest in people the more opportunities for spiritual conversations will present themselves. I have an old friend and colleague who is very gifted at this and is able to start conversations anywhere. A few years ago, after we’d both spoken at a conference in London we got a taxi to the train station, dog-tired after a really heavy day. All I wanted to do was close my eyes for twenty minutes, but my friend leapt straight into asking the taxi driver questions about his work and his family—within ten minutes they were chatting like old friends. Towards the end of the ride, the taxi driver mentioned how his son was struggling with an issue at school and very naturally, my friend was able to say how she found, when similar issues had happened with her kids, how praying about it had made a big difference. That segue to spiritual issues wasn’t forced, it flowed naturally out of the interest that my friend had taken in the man’s life.

Fourth, create points of connection. One of the most helpful things we can do in a conversation, especially with somebody new, is to find common ground, places we can build from to the gospel (read Acts 17:16-34 and see how the apostle Paul does this with the Athenians, complementing them on the religiosity shown by their buildings and temples, before he then bridges to the gospel). One way I have found to do this is to read (and watch) widely, taking opportunities to sample beyond my own (narrow) interests. Over a hundred years ago, the Baptist minister F. W. Boreham wrote a wonderful little essay, ‘A Slice of Infinity’, in which he encourages Christians to aim at ‘sampling infinity’ in our reading.[8] After all, if you get chatting to somebody at the bus stop and it turns out they are a keen angler, you’ll be grateful that you read Fly Fishing by J. R. Hartley a year back, as it gives you some points of connection you can use to build a conversation from.

Fifth, take the conversation deeper by degrees. I think what partly lay behind the ‘crunchy Christians’ experiences of our Lake District friends was that they had often met Christians who would leap from ‘hello’ to ‘Have you found Jesus?’ within about ten seconds. Aside from the archaic language,[9] this is just too deep too quickly and just as changing depths too quickly when diving can result in narcosis and other nasty medical complications, so diving too fast into the spiritual depths can derail a conversation. A better approach is to carefully discern what topics, themes, and questions might encourage your friend to open up more about spiritual things (for leaping straight away with “Do you think Jesus rose from the dead?” may be a step too fast).

Tim Keller, the bestselling author and Presbyterian pastor, wrote a famous book back in 2008 called The Reason for God,[10] looking at a number of questions about the Christian faith. But he found that by 2016, the spiritual questions people were asking had changed, and so he wrote another book, Making Sense of God,[11] aimed at those who were beginning to consider spiritual things but were not yet in a place ready to consider the Christian faith. The former book is evangelistic; the second book is more pre-evangelistic. In the same way, begin where your friend is at—and wisely, warmly, and prayerfully engage them at a speed that draws them forward (for a biblical example of this, read John 3 sometime and watch how Jesus skilfully engages with Nicodemus, beginning with his questions and moving him slowly toward the subject of Jesus’s own identity).

Sixth, learn to ask good questions. Questions are a powerful evangelistic tool in their own right but when it comes to conversations, they’re incredibly helpful. (Read through one of the gospels in one sitting some time and make a note in the margin of your Bible every time that Jesus either asks a question or responds to a question with a question). I regularly find that questions are helpful in three ways. First, you can use them inquisitively: to find out about the other person, their life, their story, and their concerns. Second, you can use them defensively: if the person you’re talking to says something critical about Christianity, you can ask why they think that or what they mean by what they have just said (e.g. “What do you mean by ‘crunchy Christians’?’) Finally, you can use questions informatively, to learn more about the worldview of the person you’re talking with. In my book Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? I show how the following four questions can be really helpful when your conversation has reached a point where you want to learn more about what your friend believes and why:[12]

  • Do you think there is some kind of god? (And if so, what do you think that god is like)
  • What do you think human beings are? Are we just matter and molecules, or more than that?
  • What do you think is wrong with the world?
  • Given what’s wrong, what do you think the solution could be?

Not only do those questions open up a chance for you to find out what your friend thinks and believes, they’re also an opportunity when, having listened, you can share what you think—and they give a great framework for explaining the gospel in a way your friend can understand.

Seventh, wonder out loud. I’ve found that it can be incredibly helpful, especially with friends who say they’re not interested in spiritual things (or give no outward sign of being) to “wonder out loud”. What do I mean? Well, suppose your friend mentions some injustice they’ve just read about in the newspaper and remarks how terrible the situation is. You might reply: “I wonder why we place such weight on justice? Why do you think justice is important?” Or you could say: “I often wonder about our passion for things like human rights—why do you think that human beings have dignity and value?” As somebody who loves the outdoors, I’ve learnt to ask Wondering Questions of fellow nature lovers: “I wonder why as humans we’re so drawn to natural beauty and landscapes?” (In each case—justice, dignity, and beauty—I think that Christianity makes much better sense of our longing for these things than does secularism. But don’t leap there immediately: head the conversation that way with Wondering Questions).

You can also use Wondering Questions with folks from other religions. In his helpful book God Space: Where Spiritual Conversations Happen Naturally, Doug Pollock tells of an encounter with two Mormon missionaries who were knocking on doors in his neighbourhood, offering people copies of The Book of Mormon.[13] Doug led with a Wondering Question:

“I wonder what good news you feel I’m missing out on that you think the Book of Mormon will supply?”

The two missionaries explained why they thought their scripture was important and Doug followed up with:

“I wonder, if I took your book and read it, and came to your place of worship, would that put me in a right relationship with God?”

The two missionaries thought for a moment and said: “We hope so!”

“Can you be sure of that?”

Again they said: “We hope so!”

And so Doug replied: “Now I’m very curious. Here you are, two young guys who have devoted two years of your life to spreading your beliefs, and the best you have is ‘I hope so’. I wonder—what more would you have to do to be sure of a right relationship with God?”

This really made the Mormon missionaries think and opened up the chance for Doug to share how, as a Christian, it wasn’t years of slaving away on a religious treadmill working harder and harder that put him in a right relationship with God, but rather what God had already done for us in Jesus. Doug’s careful use of Wondering Questions had given him a chance to share the gospel very naturally with these two young men who had knocked on his door. As Doug puts it:

The good news is you don’t have to force God into the picture. He is always there in the background, the foreground, or somewhere in between. You might have heard the old saying: “All roads lead to Rome”. Well, I like to say, “All good wondering questions eventually lead to God”. At the end of the day he is the answer.[14]

Eighth, the power of testimony. The great news is we live in an age where people have rediscovered the power of stories. From great TV shows and best-selling novels, to human interest stories in the news, people love a story. They love to tell stories about themselves and they love to hear the stories of others. So practice telling your story of faith—not just how you became a follower of Jesus, but what God is doing in your life right up to the present day. Don’t feel the need to polish and improve it—there’s a power in Christians being honest about the ups and downs, the highs and lows of following Jesus. If you’ve failed and messed up, don’t hide that—remember it is Jesus who is perfect, his followers are often flawed but the wonder of the gospel is he loves us despite our brokenness. Find ways, where appropriate, to tell your story.

Ninth, look for ways to connect the conversation naturally to Jesus. Remember that in all of this, it is Jesus we are looking to point people towards. The goal is not that your friends say “My word, Robert is such a witty conversationalist” or “Rebecca is such a good listener”—the end goal is for our friends to discover who Jesus is through us. So listen carefully and prayerfully, looking for opportunities, when the time is right (don’t force it, but don’t chicken out either!) to bring Jesus into the conversation. One way of doing this, when the conversation has moved into spiritual things, is to look for ways to say something like:

·         That reminds me of something Jesus once said

·         That reminds me of a story that Jesus once told

·         That reminds me of something Jesus once did

I remember once talking to a gentlemen who was perfectly happy to talk about spiritual things (he was convinced there was ‘some kind of higher power’ and that ‘this life isn’t all there is’) but had a very definite dislike of the church. After he had grumbled a few times about ‘organised religion’ I finally plucked up the nerve to say: “You know, your dislike of organised religion reminds me a little of Jesus—for he spent a lot of time critiquing the religious authorities of his day.” This was news to my friend and created the opportunity to open up the gospels and share some examples.

Tenth, be patient. I think one of the reasons why Christians can sometimes move into Crunchy Mode is that we’re so keen for our friends to discover Jesus that we want to drag them so quickly along the road toward Jesus that their feet scarcely touch the ground. But maybe we need to slow down and learn to engage with our friend, neighbour, or colleague at the speed at which the Holy Spirit is working.

My friend Randy Newman offers a helpful illustration here.[15] Imagine a scale from ‘A’ or ‘Z’, where ‘A’ represents a complete total pagan—as far from God as it is possible to be. At the other end of the scale, ‘Z’ is a person who has discovered who God is, realises that they are a sinner in need of rescue, and is ready to repent and believe. In our conversations with our friends, our goal is to move them along that scale. Maybe God will give us the privilege of helping somebody from ‘L’ to ‘Z’ in one giant leap. Or maybe God will use us to nudge lots of friends from ‘A’ to ‘C’ and other people, in other conversations§, will take them further. It often takes multiple conversations, with different Christians, for a person from a completely non-Christian background, to come to faith in Christ. Pray that the Lord will use you as part of your friend’s journey, but be content to let others be involved too. As the apostle Paul reminds us:

“What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” (1 Corinthians 3:5-7)


As a writer, there can be temptation to so worry about getting a piece of writing perfect that it never gets finished. And so I have pinned to my desk a card with the motto: “Don’t get it right, get it written”. Something similar, I think, goes for evangelism and for conversations with our friends. Sometimes we can be so worried about getting it right, about saying the right thing in the right way at the right time, that we get evangelistic stage fright, or we become crunchy. But what about if we simply committed to talking to more people, more often, more naturally. And to praying over those conversations and trusting the Lord to use them. Here’s a prayer to get you started:

Lord, thank you that you don’t ask us to be experts but available. Please would you create opportunities among my friends, neighbours, and colleagues for spiritual conversations. Help me, Lord to listen, and to care for them with a love that reflects the love that you have for them. Please help me to be wise and bold—so as the scripture says, I can “make the most of every opportunity”. But thank you that my standing before you isn’t based on my evangelistic fervour or performance, but based on Jesus. Please help me to share the good news about him with those that you bring across my path. In Jesus’s name, Amen

[1] Sadly, I am regularly informed by my family that no time is the time for Dad jokes.
[2] Sherry Turkle, Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age (New York: Penguin Press, 2015) p. 4.
[3] Harriet Sherwood, ‘British public turn to prayer as one in four tune in to religious services’, The Guardian, 3 May 2020,
[4] Sebastian Shehadi and Miriam Partington, ‘How Coronavirus is Leading to a Religious Revival’, New Statesman, 27 April 2020,
[5]  See ‘People are googling prayer because they are looking for a “religious experience”, says Russell Brand’, Christian Today, 10 May 2020,
[6] One of the advantages of living in Scotland is the need to play hunt-for-the-sunglasses is so rarely necessary. Our summers here are legendary and I do mean legendary.
[7] Or the vicar, if you go to a really liberal church.
[8] F. W. Boreham, ‘A Slice of Infinity’ in F. W. Boreham, Mushrooms on the Moor (New York: Abingdon Press, 1919) p. 11-20.
[9] An old friend of mine once plucked up the courage to invite a work colleague to church and was thrilled when his friend said “yes”. But the visit got off to a slightly odd start when the elder on door duty saw the visitor and greeted him enthusiastically with “Good morning! Welcome to Little Dribbling Baptist Church! Have you found Jesus?” To which my friend’s colleague, somewhat confused, responded with: “Er … no, have you lost him?”
[10] Timothy Keller, The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Scepticism (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2008).
[11] Timothy Keller, Making Sense of God: An Invitation to the Sceptical (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2016).
[12] See chapter 3 of Andy Bannister, Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? (London: IVP, 2021).
[13] Doug Pollock, God Space: Where Spiritual Conversations Happen Naturally (Loveland, CO: Group Publishing, 2009) p.71-72.
[14] Ibid.,  p.72.
[15] Do check out Randy’s excellent book on conversational evangelism: Randy Newman, Questioning Evangelism: Engaging People’s Hearts the Way Jesus Did, 2nd Edition. (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 2017).

“Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?” by Andy Bannister

Dr. Andy Bannister’s book, Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? explores the startling differences between Allah as found in the Qu’ran and the Christian God of the Bible.

If you sign up to support the evangelistic and apologetic work of Solas for as little as £3 (roughly $5) a month, we will send you a copy of Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? as a gift.

If you’d prefer to buy the book in the normal way, then UK folks can order it from a number of booksellers including 10ofThose, Eden Books, IVP direct, Aslan Christian Books — or, if you’re desperate, Waterstones or Amazon.

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Here’s what people are saying about the book:

A nuanced and sensitive examination, from an overtly Christian perspective, of how to negotiate a truth that is no less self-evident for being one that many prefer to draw a veil across: Christianity and Islam are not remotely the same.”
~ Tom Holland ― author of Dominion and In the Shadow of the Sword

“A must-read for the curious whether you have faith already or not. Prepare to be entertained, edified and gripped – I found myself unable to put it down.”
~ Dr Amy Orr-Ewing ― President, OCCA The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics

“We need thinkers who have studied both religions extensively. Andy Bannister is just such an expert and he helps us wrestle with this important question with the depth and care it deserves.”
~ Randy Newman ― Senior Fellow at The C. S. Lewis Institute and author of Questioning Evangelism.

“This book is a must-read for all interested in inter-religious issues, both believers and non-believers.”
~ Peter G Riddell ― SOAS University of London and Australian College of Theology

“Persistently challenging, consistently provoking, deeply searching, and endlessly witty!”
~ Anna Robbins ― President and Dean of Theology, Acadia University

“A sharp witted, big hearted, and clear minded romp through one of the most pressing religious questions of our time.”
~ Dr Richard Shumack ― Research Fellow, Centre for Public Christianity and Director, Arthur Jeffery Centre for the Study of Islam, Melbourne School of Theology

Frontlines / Christians at Work: “The Mechanical Engineer”

Paul Jeffers spoke to Solas about his faith and the world of mechanical engineering.

Solas: Tell us a little about your job? What are your roles and responsibilities?

PJ: I am a mechanical engineer, and I’m professionally licensed in the USA & the UK, and my current title is “Integration execution manager” for the “Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope”. In practice that means that I coordinate the day-to-day activities of integration and commissioning for the solar telescope on the summit of Mt. Haleakala on the island of Maui. I began with the design, contracting and fabrication of the telescope, then managed the delivery, installation and testing of the telescope-mount, and now have moved over to running the telescope operations.

Solas: And your telescope is (I think I’m right in saying!), the world’s leading telescope for looking at The Sun, Sun-activity, solar-flares – and how that affects the earth..

PJ: Exactly! Our work informs the theories that are being developed and used to predict space-weather (which affects us) and the engine that drives that is The Sun. So it’s the prediction and forecasting of that which we are really trying to understand.

Solas: What’s the best part of your job? What gives you real satisfaction?

PJ: When we integrate a new piece of technology, at the end of a long process of complex teamwork – and it works! So, for instance there was a huge sense of euphoria throughout the project when we captured our first light-images, because the amount of effort that had gone into that and number of people that had devoted a decade to this activity all came together and we were able to produce something that’s never been done before. That sense of group achievement was great, because no one person could make something this complex happen. It could only happen from a group working together with a single aim.

Solas: What challenges do you face in this environment and how does your faith in Christ help you to navigate those challenges?

PJ: So in the early days of the project I worked on a single contract and didn’t have anybody working directly for me. Now though I have had managerial roles added to my technical work. What takes most of my emotional energy is actually dealing with the interpersonal stuff – dealing with people. So, up at the observatory on the summit, I am managing technical matters, and directing staff in that. I’m also dealing with any number of conflicts that arise within a diverse team. These can be anything from professional disagreements about procedures, to personality clashes amongst individuals.

The other real challenge is making decisions that really affect people’s lives and careers. Questions such as “are we going to extend this person’s contract – or not”, issues such as who to promote or having to enact workplace discipline procedures occasionally.

It’s those issues that take a lot more emotional energy than working on technical issues. As a Christian I find that I don’t tend to pray much about technical issues, but I pray a lot more about personnel issues! When I have to deal with conflict or confrontation then I suppose I dwell on the fact that the people I am dealing with are all made in God’s image and that God loves them (even though they are being a complete schmuck) and that changes my attitude from being one of wanting to angrily tell people how bad their performance or decision-making has been, or what difficult people they are; to wanting to work through some of these issues with them.

Solas: So does being a Christian make a difference to the way you go about your own work? Ethic? Ethos motivation etc?

PJ: I’d hope so!! Take integrity for example. If you are in a position of responsibility and you gossip about people – you have the ability to poison someone’s career. So you have to learn to be really careful about what you say and who you say it to. I feel that integrity in the workplace is sometimes a real struggle – it might be easier to say nothing in the workplace when something is not right, than to raise an issue. But integrity sometimes requires those issues to be raised. It might be tempting to change the rules to accommodate someone I like, but being even-handed across the workforce is very important, regardless of whether the person is fun to work with or a pain in the butt!

As a Christian, I am also aware of the time that I am paid for. So I do my best to be conscientious about not stealing time. The other thing is that I have made a point of being willing to pause what I am doing in order to listen to people. So often we are driven by lists, rotas and tasks but it is really important to have time for people. It’s important to remember things about them and to ask how their kids are and what is going on in life; not just about the task at hand. Those are small things, maybe – but they are important and things which are definitely informed by my Christian faith. And of all those things, integrity really is one of the big ones.

Solas: So, do the people at your work know that you are a Christian? How do people react when they find out?

PJ: The majority of people I work with know that I am a Christian and that I go to church – and that’s usually through the “how was your weekend?” type of conversations. I tell people that we were at church, but I don’t push the conversation. So a lot of people realise that I’m a Christian, as well as times when I’ve been able to mention my faith in conversation. I also don’t swear –which is really unusual in my workplace! In fact the only two people on site who don’t swear are me and our Muslim colleague!

People react in different ways – the predominant attitude is apathy, coupled with the view that ‘I’m happy it works for you, but it’s nothing to do with me’. Hawaii has a heavily Christian background, so most of the local guys have had some kind of church background, perhaps Sunday School or a Christian Grandmother. In fact I was speaking to someone yesterday who said that her Grandmother was both Hawaiian and “deeply religious” ie. Christian. She couldn’t understand how that worked as she saw those things as being in conflict. There’s not much overt hostility to my faith as “spirituality” is really significant here. There is Hawaiian spirituality, there is the church (Evangelicals, Pentecostals, Liberal-progressives) as well as all the Hindus, hippies and Buddhists – many of whom came with the Japanese plantations. So apathy is the most common response, followed by the ‘I’m glad it works for you, but it has nothing to do with me’ view.

Solas: Have you ever had any opportunities to take things any further in terms of what you believe with any colleagues?

PJ: Yeah, some. I don’t really have many peers at work, my boss and I are in management over the whole site. I feel unsure as to the appropriateness of saying to people who report to me and who are responsible to me for their salaries and whether they get promoted or not “I am a Christian and you should be too” – that sounds in danger of becoming “rice-Christianity”!

So where I have felt more able to talk about my faith has been with colleagues who are my friends. Usually the subject has come up when there has been some issue in their lives, or they are questioning something and the conversation will naturally occur. So one colleague had a bad experience of evangelicalism in California, and so we had a number of conversations about what it means to be a Christian. My boss on the other hand was brought up with church going as a thing the family did, which involved a lot of dressing up and formality – but it made no difference to anything they did the rest of the week. And that was her perception of Christianity. A lot of the conversations I have seem to be around trying to understand what people think Christianity is and then trying to direct the conversation back to Christ. The culture here is so riddled with ‘religion’ that has browbeaten folks.

And then as we come out of the election cycle… trying to explain to people that being a Christian does not mean you are a right-wing nut! That you can be a Christian and not necessarily agree with everything the Republican Party or Donald Trump says! The failures of the church, bad experiences of Christianity and the assumed tie-up of Christianity and right-wing politics really cloud the issue here.

Solas: I was struck by the comments you made around wanting people not to see religion but to see Christ. So why do you want them to see him?

PJ: Because religion cannot save us. I can’t buy my way, or act my way, or think my way into salvation. So all this other stuff is just a distraction. We are surrounded by people both socially and at work, who have been broken by the church. And that is really sad. So if you can get past stuff that they were broken by, such as “you must speak in tongues to be a Christian”, or “you must do this, or that” and a whole bunch of other issues where the church has tried to tell people to ‘man-up and behave in a Christian way’, rather than focussing on Christ who died for us, who is our route to salvation. It is not about being a member of a particular church, or having the ‘right’ view of the endtimes, or belonging to this particular political party – but it is about the centrality of the gospel of Christ! Everything else is just noise.

Unfortunately, getting to that point of actually talking about Jesus is slow, and round-about. It can take a long time.

Solas: What advice would you give to a young Christian entering your field of work who wants to be faithful to Christ there?

PJ: I would say – don’t compromise either in your personal or professional integrity. If someone asks you to do something inappropriate or tell a ‘white lie’ – don’t compromise. Because if you start doing that early and it becomes a practice then it’s a slope – and recovering from that slope takes a lot more time than it does to slide down it. Your reputation is something that you need to protect. Now, you may be slandered, unfairly attacked because of who you are, and in a sense that’s unavoidable. But never let your reputation get dragged down by doing dumb-stuff, because that then defeats your ability to speak to people about the most important things in life.

Then, always be open to people. Make sure people know that you are open, approachable and will listen to them.

Solas: Thanks for talking to us!

Pj: No problem!


In this video, Paul explains more about his groundbreaking work in telescope engineering

Re-Freshers Week – Student Evangelism in Stirling

The CU in Stirling University held their “Refreshers Week” earlier this year.  They held a series of exciting events across the week including a ‘real lives night’, an escape room. and a quiz, as well as the talk nights. In the middle of the week they had an open-forum – basically a question and answer panel. I was invited, along with three Christian students to field questions which students sent in. We were all online, and the questions came in via various channels including via text to one of the CU leaders who emceed the session and there was a Facebook group in which people could ask questions too. A good number of the questions were clearly from non-Christian folks really looking for answers too, which was encouraging.

There were questions on God and Science, the uniqueness of Jesus in a world of other faiths, and then a whole raft of more existential questions around hope, purpose, meaning and significance.  Some of these questions were angled around questions of suffering in the context of Coronavirus and where God is. Interesting by their absence were any questions around sexuality, which often come in these kinds of forums. Suffering and evil were obviously at the forefront of many people’s minds in Stirling. Covid has clearly made a huge impression on the kinds of questions that people are searching for answers to. People asked about the reliability of the Bible, about why we believe in just one God, where God came from, if we “need” God, and whether Christianity is just a “Western religion” – all fascinating, searching topics. Lydia one of the CU leaders said, “The Q&A panel went really well. We had a few questions regarding what was said in the previous talks and events which was brilliant. It was great to see people submitting questions both before the event and during the live stream.”

Solas has had a long-standing friendship with the Christian Union at Stirling, so it was great to be able to renew fellowship them, and do some mission work alongside them again.  I’ve spoken at a couple of their mission weeks, my colleague Gavin Matthews has spoken at their meetings and spoken at their CU weekend away and their previous Cu President, Cameron was a guest on our PEPtalk podcast and talked about how they reach out with the gospel to other students on the campus which was great. So we have a great relationship with the Stirling CU! It’s great to work with students who haven’t given up on mission because of the restrictions of lockdown, but are thinking creatively.

PEP Talk Podcast With Justin Brierley

Today on PEP Talk, we interview the great interviewer himself, Justin Brierley. For years he has hosted discussions with top Christian thinkers and thought leaders from other backgrounds. What has he learned from this, and how has it impacted his personal gospel conversations?

With Justin Brierley PEP Talk

Our Guest

Justin Brierley is an international speaker, author and much-loved host of the podcast Unbelievable?  His show on Premier Radio has aired weekly for over 15 years, growing to become a popular podcast and serving as the catalyst for the annual Unbelievable? Evangelism and Apologetics Conference and (currently in its third season) The Big Conversation. He was also the editor of Premier Christianity magazine from 2014-2018. Justin’s love for reaching the skeptic with the Christian faith led him to write Unbelievable? Why, after ten years of talking with atheists, I’m still a Christian (SPCK) in which Justin reflects on conversations he has had with famous atheist and skeptic thinkers including Richard Dawkins and Derren Brown, and why he still finds Christianity to be  as true and compelling as ever.

About PEP Talk

The Persuasive Evangelism Podcast aims to equip listeners to share their faith more effectively in a sceptical world. Each episode, Andy Bannister (Solas) and Kristi Mair (Oak Hill College) chat to a guest who has a great story, a useful resource, or some other expertise that helps equip you to talk persuasively, winsomely, and engagingly with your friends, colleagues and neighbours about Jesus.

The Prayer Gap

The first Solas event I ever went to was when a group of us travelled to Dundee to hear Professor John Lennox speaking about science and faith. Having read some of his work, I was really excited to have the opportunity to hear him in person. This took place during what we now look back on as the high-water-mark of the New Atheism, when Dawkins’ The God Delusion, and Hitchens’ God is Not Great were on prominent display in high street bookshops and friends’ coffee tables. Suddenly people around us seemed confident in their assertions that belief in God was not only idiotic; but also positively evil. Popular anti-theism seemed to be carrying all before it.

Lennox strode the platform, clearly undaunted by all of this. Well versed in all the New Atheist literature, he demonstrated their scientific, methodological and philosophical flaws; and the ways in which their towering self-confidence was completely ill-founded. It was at once, educational, authoritative and inspiring. I remember someone saying to me at the end of Lennox’s second talk, “How could anyone not believe after hearing that?” Which was quickly followed up by the suggestion that if only we could get him to our town, then inevitably huge numbers of people would come to faith.

The problem is that winning arguments doesn’t necessarily win people to faith in Jesus.

There are dangers in an anti-intellectualism on one hand (which fails to address the questions of the age, with reasoned, coherent arguments) and with an over-reliance on winning the battle of ideas on the other. Those of us engaged in apologetics are constantly in danger of this latter imbalance, which can severely hinder our witness for Christ. If all our efforts are focused on researching, learning and presenting reasons for faith, we can miss an essential spiritual dynamic: the essential role of prayer, and the leading of The Holy Spirit in evangelism. If we neglect prayer, even the best arguments will fail to change people’s hearts, because intellectual assent to the things such as the existence of God are not enough. Ultimately, a Christian is someone who is “in Christ” to use the central theme of the New Testament. When someone is united to Christ they do, of course, need to be persuaded that Christ died for them and rose again –  there is an essential belief/truth element to it, the mind must be converted.. However, they must also be forgiven for their sins by God in heaven and regenerated in their inmost being by the Holy Spirit, evidenced in faith and repentance which is symbolised in baptism.

The power of God is needed to convince the mind, impart the Holy Spirit and unite them to Christ. It was an over-confidence in apologetics, and in persuasive techniques to win converts that led Martyn Lloyd-Jones to write, “I am not sure that apologetics has not been the curse of evangelical Christianity over the last twenty to thirty years[1]” in 1966. You may think that that is not what you expected to read in a Solas publication, as we are firmly committed to apologetics! But hear Lloyd-Jones out, because he was not denigrating the life of the mind in any way – he was pushing firmly back against the idea that we can bring people to Christ on our own, without the power of God, if we could only just get our arguments finely tuned*, and our presentation contemporary.

So, while we do our evangelism to the absolute best of our ability, we will be ineffective if we do not pray. In places like Solas, we are sometimes accused of depending on winning arguments, not on God’s Spirit. We understand that critique and while we would never want to present anything less than our best answers to enquirers and sceptics, we are trying to be increasingly committed to praying as we present, and for our hearers too.

I knew someone who lost his faith for many years around questions of faith and science. He had come to faith as an adult and studied science to a high level. It was a long, complicated story, but it was the arguments of new Atheists that shipwrecked his faith in God. Which brings me back to Professor John Lennox. This chap came back to Christ, after John Lennox skewered the atheist arguments which had bamboozled him, in a public lecture: the power of apologetics in all its glory you might think. However, there is another side to this tale. That is that some people had been praying for this guy everyday for more than a decade, before he was even willing to go to a public lecture from a Christian apologist. The fact that he was even there listening and engaging was in itself an answer to much prayer. Likewise when we are enabled to formulate a wise answer which connects to a sceptic hearer, this is not by-passing prayer but an answer to it! Prayer and apologetics should not be pitched against each other as being in tension any more than the left and right oars in a boat should. They may occasionally need to correct each other; but they are most assuredly on the same side.

Knowledge, apologetics and good communication are no substitute for the power of The Holy Spirit. That is a truth that must be held in tension with the fact that when the gospel is proclaimed, it has objective cognitive content! It is coupled to the fact that Paul, that great Spirit-filled Apostle reasoned for the faith,[2] and Peter who was the preacher on the very Day of Pentecost when the Spirit came; commended giving reasons for our faith.[3] The point of coalescence seems to be that we are to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength[4]; and not pick and choose which faculty we do so with most!

Acts 4 is a model for us in making sure that we do not let God and our neighbours down by presenting arid arguments, without the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit.[5]  The context is that the early church had suffered its first persecution, and had been told not to speak the name of Jesus in public again.

24 When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. “Sovereign Lord,” they said, “you made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and everything in them. 25 You spoke by the Holy Spirit through the mouth of your servant, our father David:

“‘Why do the nations rage
    and the peoples plot in vain?
26 The kings of the earth rise up
    and the rulers band together
against the Lord
    and against his anointed one.

They called out to The Lord together, echoing the words of Psalm 2. Their prayer is remarkably informed, they bring together the Old Testament concept of Kingship and apply it to Jesus the Messiah, and His ongoing work through the church. It was heartfelt too – they didn’t read a set of impressive words in which they had no consuming interest either.

The way that God responded to their cry was quite amazing. Luke puts it simply like this:

31 After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.

There is a tendency in the church to think that the Holy Spirit was only poured out once, at Pentecost; and that this is a model for us – that we are regenerated by the Spirit when we are converted and never should ask for more. Acts challenges such thinking, as do Paul’s prayers for the churches in his epistles. Here, just two chapters after Pentecost, the Holy Spirit fills them again, and the room is shaken like an earthquake. Those pyrotechnics (however eye-catching) are not the point though. What Luke wants us to grasp is the substance of the matter, not the side-effects, namely “they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly”.

There is an old truism, “Speak to God about people, before you speak to people about God!”. We do need to pray for our hearers, and ourselves, for our arguments, presentation and non-verbal communication too. We must pray that we will be filled with the Holy Spirit and proclaim the word of God boldly. Those involved in apologetics must on one hand study hard, think hard, and write and speak as persuasively and winsomely as we possibly can. We long for God to be glorified in what we do, this is our worship and we want to present the very best to God. Yet on the other hand, we dare not do that prayerlessly as if the power of argument can by itself change people’s lives.

John Wesley the great Methodist evangelist, so used of God in the 18th Century, seems to have been convinced of the main tenets of the Christian faith, prior to the experience of the Spirit he had in Aldersgate Street in 1738 when his “heart was strangely warmed”. So much so that Christian historians debate whether he was meaningfully a Christian before that date. It was from that point that he preached the word of God boldly.

When we are proclaiming, publishing, debating and defending the gospel; if we find that people are not engaging, or we lack power in our proclamation, let’s first check and make sure that we haven’t fallen down the prayer gap. Pulling back from activity to pray, can sometimes be the most fruitful and productive possible thing for us to do in God’s kingdom. I once knew a man who preached with an unusual sense of clarity and a Godly authority. I asked him how he was able to do that. His answer was that for every hour he spent preaching he spent ten in prayer. The most impressive buildings rest on unseen, hidden foundations without which they would topple. If we’re finding our efforts unproductive, we perhaps need to re-underpin our spiritual foundations, and devote ourselves firstly to prayer. Then our apologetics will win hearts, souls, minds and people for The Lord.

[1] D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Authority p14





Being The Bad Guys

“Being The Bad Guys: How to live for Jesus in a world that says you shouldn’t” Webinar with author Stephen McAlpine, hosted by Andy Bannister. Visit Stephen’s blog at

His book is published by the Good Book Company –
UK –

Thanks to everyone who submitted questions on Facebook and Instagram for this pre-recorded webinar.

Is Christianity Anti-Diversity?

Everybody cares about diversity. But if atheism is true, why precisely does diversity matter? In this provocative Short Answers film, Solas Director Andy Bannister takes a look at Christianity and diversity — and uncovers the remarkable fact that the church, from its very beginning, has always been one of the most diverse communities on Earth. And only the Christian faith, if one takes it utterly seriously, gives any basis for caring about culture and diversity in the first place.


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